What We Do
Project Kinship aims to provide services and training to lives impacted by incarceration, gangs, and violence in the community through hope, healing, and transformation. Services include both direct services and capacity training for system and community agencies. Project Kinship’s staff provides emotional support and advocacy as we assist individuals through the stages of change and transformation by providing early intervention, prevention, reentry support and intervention, as well as assistance with system network care and service. A strong emphasis is centered on promoting system care access, individual and family driven case management services, short-term individual and group counseling, and group educational/skills classes. Program participants are provided with support that helps to develop hope, healing, and transformation which allows for the ownership of a meaningful and productive life.
Community Support
Employment Services
Project Kinship provides outreach in schools, neighborhoods, community jails, and partnering agencies with the purpose of connecting, engaging, and linking individuals to appropriate services within the community.
Services include:
Street Outreach
Jail Outreach
Agency Outreach
Community Outreach
Community Support
Project Kinship is able to meet people where they are through direct services such as counseling, case management, and other vital support services needed to assist in successful reentry into the community.
Services include:
Mental Health Services
Intensive Case Management
Legal Clinic
Family Support Services
Health & Well Being Programming
Support & Recovery Groups
Tattoo Removal (Coming Soon)
Workforce Development
Technical assistance and education are provided through consulting, facilitation, conferences, and research. Project Kinship supports the development and dissemination of best practices.
Services Include:
Tri-County Reentry Collaborative Partnership (Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County)
Annual County Wide Public Safety and Gang Conferences
Trainings: Gang Intervention, Trauma Informed Care, Restorative Justice, Health and Wellness, Outreach
Capacity Building/Network of Reentry Provider Coalition
Project Kinship is committed to advocating for policies that positively impact the incarcerated, the recently released, and the low-income communities in and around Orange County. Our goal is to better reintegrate the disenfranchised while advocating for better jobs, education, and healthcare.
Employment Services
Services Include:
Employment planning and preparation of basic needs (clothing, food, healthcare, and other stabilizing services)