Adult Re-Entry Programs
Our adult re-entry programs, Adult Re-entry Success Center (RSC), focuses on assisting individuals with the re-entry process by providing intensive case management, housing/emergency shelter linkage and support, mental health and substance use treatment and counseling, and other supportive services. We also provide advocacy and support for Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) in the Youth Development Court.
Our team consists of diverse, integral roles that collaborate in support of individuals as they begin to adjust back into society. Our team consists of Peer Navigators, Case Managers, Substance Use Counselors, and Mental Health Clinicians who come from lived experiences and/or a background in clinical training.
Our RSC team is located directly outside the Intake Release Centers (IRC) in Orange County to provide immediate, intentional support and assistance to individuals discharged from the IRC. We also provide inreach support to meet with individuals who are still in custody, and create a plan to support and provide case management once released.
Adult Re-entry Success Center (RSC)
Youth Development Court
Adult Re-entry Success Center (RSC)
RSC is one of the two adult re-entry programs at Project Kinship that is funded in partnership with the Orange County HCA. The focus of our program is to assist individuals with the re-entry process through the provision of intensive case management, supportive services, as well as mental health and substance use treatment.
Our team of Peer Navigators, Case Managers, Substance Use Counselors, and Mental Health Clinicians collaborate in support of individuals as they begin to adjust back into society. Each member’s role is an important part of the treatment team, such as merging our staff with lived experience and clinical staff to address underlying issues related to trauma.
The Project Kinship team is located directly outside of the Intake Release Center to provide immediate, intentional support to individuals discharged from the IRC. This ensures that our team has first contact with these individuals and can assist in triaging their needs.
Some of the supportive services we provide our participants are:
• Assistance with basic needs
• Housing/emergency shelter linkage and support
• Substance use disorder and mental health support
• Inreach support to meet with individuals who are still in custody.
Youth Development Court
The cornerstone of the YDC is the assignment of program participants to one court for the maintenance of youth and young adults during their time in the Orange County Juvenile Justice System.
The program includes the participation of the District Attorney’s office, the Public Defender’s Office, appointee counsel, the Probation Department, the Health Care Agency, the Department of Education, and other relevant community-based non-profits.
Joint case planning and management effort are utilized for each YDC participant. The program includes life and job skills training, education services, and therapeutic services. A core component of the program is to provide each youth and young adult with access to these services to instill the vision and confidence necessary for them to become successful in the community.
The Project Kinship Community Health Initiative of Orange County (CHIOC) team offers social services assistance to youth and adults impacted by incarceration all over Orange County. We leverage our partnership with the OC Sheriff’s Department to increase outreach in all detention facilities around the county. This includes the facility with the highest security, Theo Lacy Facility. CHIOC’s goal is to improve our capacity for intakes within all correctional facilities in OC including, Men’s Central Jail, Women’s Central Jail, and the county’s Intake Release Center.
To expand our enrollment outreach, the CHIOC team also works closely with community partners and shelters. Upon release, participants receive assistance from the Community Health team through virtual case management and facilitating doctor visits.